Daily, Weekly, Monthly Investing Habits of Successful Investors

New or old, Clarity Wealth Development clients all have something in common: They have adopted smart, disciplined investing habits. Practicing good financial habits is all about consistency and keeping a long-term focus. As the golden rule of investing states, time in the market always beats timing the market – and there are ways you can optimize your time in the market to make the most of your portfolio.

Let’s explore the daily, monthly and annual investing habits we encourage all of our investors to practice, and how they can help you reach your goals.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly Investing Habits of Successful Investors


Simple day-to-day routines are key to investment success. For instance, saving a certain amount every month into long term accounts. Being aware of how you spend and save may reveal patterns over time. Maybe you’ve been spending more on that morning coffee than you thought – in fact, the average American spends over $1,000 per year! Or maybe you’ve budgeted $800 per month for groceries, but really only need $600 per month.

Finding patterns in your spending can help you navigate the inevitable fluctuations of daily life with confidence.   Filtering out the “noise” and knowing you have a long-term plan helps focus on the big goals.

Monthly or Quarterly Investment Habits

Successful Clarity clients evaluate everything in their portfolios, not just their retirement accounts or stock holdings. This is so they get an indication of the “Big Picture.” We ensure they recognize that gains in one holding may be offset by declines in another, so seeing the big picture adds perspective.

It’s a good idea to revisit savings strategies and balance your checkbooks or online accounts each month or quarter.  Also revisit any auto-pays or monthly contributions you have to make sure they are relevant and fit in the plan. Lastly, you should also know how much is coming in and how much is going out! Positive cash flow is the name of the game.

Yearly Investment Habits

Each year, you should take time to schedule a complete review of your investment strategies and goals with your advisor to determine the overall effectiveness of strategy and make adjustments, if needed, to meet your goals. Use this time to plan for next year, up your savings 1-3% (depending on age) and revisit your employer retirement plans for needed changes.

More Savvy Client Best Practices:

Here are a few other tips and tricks you can work into your investing habits to optimize your portfolio.

  • Start saving early! Today is not too soon! Saving for the future provides more options and less stress.
  • Establish good budget habits early. Set up separate savings accounts (travel, home, taxes, etc.) and take advantage of auto save features provided by financial institutions. Its easy and there’s an app or two for that (Mint, GoodBudget, Squeeze, etc.).
  • Don’t just rely on an app – collaborate with a trusted financial advisor.
  • Establish good credit habits, pay off balances and be mindful of fees and incentives.
  • Consider investing in a home unless renting is more appropriate for your current lifestyle.
  • Consistently begin auto saving into a Roth or 401(k). Be aggressive – save as much as you can when you’re young.
  • Just start saving – it’s never too late

No matter your budget or net worth, these daily, monthly and annual habits can help you get on track and stay focused for your long-term financial goals.

Build Healthy Habits with Clarity

Are you ready to start your investment journey? Reach out to Clarity Wealth Development today to speak with a financial advisor and get on track for your unique retirement goals.




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