Trivia: What Food “Personality” is Most Prevalent Among American Shoppers?

We all know that personality plays a big factor in the decisions we make – but did you know your personality is also affecting what food you buy?

A Deloitte survey found that personality has predictive power over both what items people buy and how much they spend at the grocery store and when eating at restaurants. They sorted participants based on their main shopping motivation, including those seeking frugality, convenience, health, and even food “enthusiasm.”

What food “personality” do you think is most prevalent in the United States?

  1. Convenience
  2. Food Enthusiast
  3. Health-Motivated
  4. Frugal




Ready for the answer?

Convenience wins out for most Americans!

The United States and Australia have high numbers of convenience-seeking personalities, and in the United Kingdom, it is the second most common motivator, behind frugality. Deloitte reports that stereotypically overworked and harried West countries are most likely to go for convenience when spending money on food.

What food personality do you think you are when it comes to spending money (whether its at the grocery store or going out to eat)? Check out the full article below to see what your food personality might say about your spending habits!

Click here to learn more.

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