Trivia: How Much Will Parents Spend During Back-to-School Shopping in 2024?

Have you been seeing all the school supplies hitting the shelves – or are even helping your kids and grandkids get back-to-school ready?

In May 2024, Deloitte surveyed 1,200 US-based parents of students ranging from Kindergarten to 12th grade to learn about their spending habits when it comes to shopping for school supplies.

So our trivia question for the month is this: On average, how much do you think parents plan to spend on each child during their back-to-school shopping spree?

  • $1,345
  • $258
  • $586
  • $721




Ready for the answer?

Parents say they plan to spend on average around $586 per child on school supplies this year!

Deloitte reports that 85% of parents would be willing to splurge on a must-have item or a certain brand so their child would start the new school year off excited and boost their confidence.

Of course, parents need to spend a little money on themselves, too! When parents go back-to-school shopping for their kids, they also go shopping for themselves, according to 50% of survey participants.

Another fun fact: Over half of the surveyed parents say their children influence them to spend more than what they were planning!

Click here to learn more on ways to control your budget in the summer.

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