What Percentage of Americans Carry Mortgage Debt Well into Retirement?

Many Americans dream of owning a home, but few think of the burden a house payment can carry into their retirement years. How much do you know about mortgage debt? Let’s put your trivia knowledge to the test!

This month’s trivia question comes from Financially Simple’s blog: What percentage of Americans carry mortgage debt past the age of 75?

  • 15%
  • 10%
  • 33%
  • 21%
  • 25%



Ready for the answer?

And the answer is…..21%!

While most Americans expect to have their mortgage paid off by retirement, more than one in five of those individuals are still paying off their homes at age 75. Click here to check out 23 other investing statistics from Financially Simple.

Want to learn more? Head over to the Clarity blog.


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