Four Weeks to a Better Holiday Budget

Four Weeks to a Better Holiday Budget

You can see it just ahead, looming on the horizon – the holiday season. While children can hardly stand the wait, adults often wish it were a few more months away, especially when there are gifts to buy and money is tight. Unfortunately, time does not stop. This year,...
5 Ways To Measure Risk

5 Ways To Measure Risk

Investors who are concerned about market volatility should examine their investment choices from all angles when constructing a portfolio – evaluating not only by return, but risk, too. There are a variety of risk measures that may come in handy. Of course, numbers...
College Savings: The 529 Plan

College Savings: The 529 Plan

If you’re saving for a child or grandchild’s college education, brace yourself: The annual cost of a four-year degree for an on-campus student is over $25,000 per year for an in-state student and over $43,000 per year for an out-of-state student. Multiply...
Investing 101: What is Asset Allocation?

Investing 101: What is Asset Allocation?

The financial world comes with plenty of jargon and an endless supply of acronyms. If you aren’t regularly exposed to financial words and phrases, it can seem like a totally different language. To avoid feeling out of the loop on your finances, it’s...